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API Reference

Update Occupant's Delegation Permissions.

Updates the reservation permissions for a user within the organization. When a PUT request is made to this endpoint, it replaces the existing reservation permissions with the new permissions specified in the request body.
The user's permissions are defined based on several parameters.

  1. global_delegate a boolean value indicating if the primary user can reserve a room for any other individual in the organization.
  2. elegated_occupants an array of Occupant objects detailing Occupants for whom rooms can be reserved by the primary user.
  3. delegated_locations an array representing the Primary Locations of occupants for whom the primary user can reserve rooms.
  4. delegated_departments an array representing the Departments whose members the primary user can reserve on behalf of.

All fields are required in the request, with arrays being allowed to be empty. Each object in the delegated_occupants, delegated_locations, and delegated_departments arrays must contain at least one identifier (email, userID, officeID, officeName, or a department identifier respectively).
Use this endpoint to fully manage a user's delegation permissions, providing a structured way to delegate reservation privileges in a fine-grained manner.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!